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Press Releases and Articles

El Dorado Irrigation District chooses Tri Tool as their maintenance partner to ensure the vintage Pelton Wheel keeps spinning into the future.

El Dorado Irrigation District chooses Tri Tool as their maintenance partner to ensure the vintage Pe
The Aiken Power Plant, owned and operated by the El Dorado Irrigation District (EID), is located in northern California and has a vintage Pelton Wheel-based hydroelectric generator that has been in use since 1958. Two components of the Pelton Wheel that regulate the flow of water—a motorized stem and teardrop-shaped needle tip—needed to be removed, re-machined, and restored to originally specified dimensions. Learn how Tri Tool Services performed precision in-place machining with the dependable 600 Series split-frame clamshell lathe to restore exact dimensions of the mounting surfaces on the motorized stem. 
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